About Me

Why blog? Not sure; maybe I'm hoping that the writing will be a catharsis of sorts. It may turn out to be nothing more than a platform to voice my thoughts about my photos....or about life issues / thoughts / experiences, etc. Whatever, I'm sure something good will come out of it, because any time I've stepped out of my comfort zone in the past, good things have resulted. I spend a lot of time taking pictures. It's a passion. The whole process of photography is manna to my soul. Life is certainly short and I've found that photography helps me to enjoy it more fully. That's it in a nutshell. The photos, the voice....and now into uncharted territory. I may occasionally ramble, however, think of it as my therapy. Indulge....and partake if you'd like, otherwise use your mouse to flee. By the way, comments are welcome...as a matter of fact they're encouraged. I'm always interested in new perspectives. The comments will be the icing on the proverbial cake. So consider the candles lit. My fingers are crossed and my computer is on. Here goes.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Can photography heal?

Just finished Jan Phillips' wonderful book, God Is At Eye Level. I've known for a long time that taking pictures can help improve the quality of one's life, but Ms. Phillips goes into much more detail, professing that we can discover photography's healing power to renew the spirit. She says that photography "brings you home to yourself, and connects you to what fulfills your deepest longings". I fully agree with Jan in that there is something holy about taking photographs...something transforming in the search for light.